[linux-uvc-devel] Patch: Quirks flag for Trust Trino 720p
Sven-Ola Tuecke
2016-03-27 18:10:18 UTC

I've recently bought two webcams
(http://www.trust.com/en/product/18679-trino-hd-video-webcam). lsusb
shows "ID 0c45:6341 Microdia Defender G-Lens 2577 HD720p Camera",
running fine with uvcvideo at first glance.

Then, with gstreamer / guvcview / chrome, I've noticed that in MJPEG
mode the camera triggers some decoding error preventing me from using
MJPEG. Uncompressed YUV runs fine. Further investigation leads to the
following patch. Patch is against 4.5.0-rc7, tested with my
Ubuntu-Trusty which runs 3.19.0-25-generic. Please apply.

HTH // Sven-Ola
